
When is the best time to plant in YOUR area?

Planting can be tricky and scary enough as is for a beginner. However, it really shouldn't be. No matter where you are, location wise, when you are planting - you always want to have healthy soils and adequate moisture. Focusing in on moisture and growing seasons. If you are planting in the north then you will most likely put your food plots in during the spring time and possibly into the summer. You may want to consider planting in the spring if you live in the north or in any area with harsh winters. Planting in the spring will give your food plots enough time to establish themselves and grow roots that are strong enough to survive through the winter. If you live in the south then you will most likely plant your food plots during the fall. A good rule of thumb for southern food plots is to wait until at least the 15th of September. Waiting until then will ensure that you have one of two things: 1) adequate moisture in your soil from previous rains or 2) it’s late enough in the year that the morning dew will help your plots survive until a decent rain passes through. All in all - northern states normally plant food plots in the spring while southern states plant food plots more focused in the fall.
