
Seed tips - how do I choose what seeds I need to plant in my area?

When it comes to planting a micro food plot you have many moving parts. However, out of all of these moving parts, you have one crucial ingredient - SEED! Determining which type of seed you need to use in your area is quite crucial when it comes to the longevity of your food plots. Before finding the best food plot seeder, throwing your seed in the ground and saying a prayer to the big man upstairs, there are a few steps you will want to take. First, I recommend having a soil test done on the areas that you wish to plant. Once you obtain this soil test, you can then determine what your pH levels are and if/how much lime you will need to add to your soils. This will also help determine how much and how often you should fertilize your area - depending on how rich or poor your soils may be. Once you have taken these necessary baby steps, then you are ready to start slinging some seed. BUT, what seed do you need to sling? Again, this comes back to your region. The “ole faithful” for food plots will always be clover. You can get away with planting different strains of clover dang near anywhere in the country. Clover is also a great start up micro food plot attractant for most species of game. If your planting plots in the south then you can’t go wrong with planting a good mixture of clover, brassicas such as turnips, radishes and rape; and cereal grains such as wheat, oats and rye. If you’re planting in the north then you can't go wrong with a good mixture of perennial grasses, clovers, chicory and even turnips. All in all, the best thing you can do when deciding what seed you want to use in your area is to obtain a soil report, use this report to determine which species grows best in your area and with your soil conditions, take care of your soil if needed, and lastly plant. A tip I would recommend is to also reach out to your local county agent or biologist - they normally are able to recommend local seed blends that will thrive in your area.
